
The following websites may be accessed using the links below. Eventually I will move them to this blog as time permits.
See the Right hand side of this page
There are two drop downs. You may read some of Mic’s old columns by clicking on Category/Subject and by date
Great Galveston Storm
This interesting website tells the story of the Great Galveston Huricane which struck Galveston Island in September 1900 and killed between 5,000 and 10,000 people. This storm still remains the largest death toll occuring in a natural disaster in United States History. The website tells the story of what went on in Galveston before, during and after the Storm. There is also a list of approximately 5,000 names of those who died in the Storm
The Barnet/Barnett/Barnette DNA Surname Project
This exciting new project is a scientific genealogical study of the Y-Chromosomes of Barnetts of all spellings from all over the World.
The Finch DNA Surname Project
This exciting new project is a scientific genealogical study of the Y-Chromosomes of Finches throughout the world
The Free People of Color of Texas Project
Mic Barnette’s Free People of Color Project is an interesting study of the Free People of Color who lived in the Republic of Texas and the State of Texas prior to the Civil War. It also includes people born in Texas and living in a state or country outside Texas prior to the Civil War.
This study will likely result in a publication. For more information visit the website at:
Go To for more articles and projects:
Brigadier Generals of Texas 1860
Charles County Maryland DNA Project
Co D 3rd TN Rgmt (Forrest’s Old Cavalry)
Texas Land Commissioners
Below is a bibliography of books and articles published by Mic:
Some Books Compiled by Mic Barnette
Barnette, Mic 1850 Census of Bartow (Formerly Cass) County, Georgia, 1989, Shreveport, LA. J & W Enterprises
Barnette, Mic Barnette’s Census Survey of the Coffee/Coffey Families of Georgia 1790-1850, 1988 Barnette’s Family Tree Book Company
Weekly Genealogy/History Column
Houston Chronicle (Newspaper), Houston, Texas Your Family Tree Column, 1994-2004
Mic has delivered papers at five National Conferences:
National Genealogical Society Conference in the States, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2002, Becoming a Genealogical Journalist: How to Get the Job and What to Write
National Genealogical Society Conference in the States, Houston, Texas 1994, The Southern 1867 Voter Lists: A Radical Yankee Legacy
National Genealogical Society Conference in the States, Portland, Oregon, 1991, Mysteries of the Death Certificate Revealed
National Genealogical Society Conference in the States, Portland, Oregon, 1991, History of Death and Funerals in America
Federation of Genealogical Societies and Texas State Genealogical Conference, San Antonio, Texas 2014 Free People of Color in Texas Prior to the Civil War
Some Published Articles by Mic Barnette
Barnette, Mic “Southerners Found in the Census of 1850, Erie County, New York” New York Biographical and Historical Record, October 2010
Barnette, Mic “William Marshall of Baton Rouge and some of his Mulatto Descendants”, National Genealogical Society Quarterly Vol. 73 No. 1 (March 1985)
Barnette, Mic “Tragedy Aboard the Steamboat Princess-27 February 1859”, Louisiana Genealogical Register, Vol. XXXII No. 2 (June 1985)
Barnette, Mic, “Using the Georgia Tax Digest Indexes”, Clayton Library Friends Newsletter Vol. 9 No. 2 (May 1995): and Electronic Edition, Then click on “Resources”, then “Archived Newsletters”
Barnette, Mic, “The Leon S. Hollingsworth Card File”, Clayton Library Friends Newsletter Vol. 9 No. 1 (February 1995) :and Electronic Edition: Then click on “Resources”, then “Archived Newsletters”
Barnette, Mic, “Members of the Suwannee Baptist Church, Gwinnett County, Georgia 1828-1875”, Georgia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 23 No. 2 (Summer 1987) and Vol. 23 No. 3 (Fall 1987)
Barnette, Mic, “Preliminary Report on Habersham County, Georgia Marriage Book A 1818-1842 With Some Notes on Ministers and other Officiants Conducting Marriages Recorded in Marriage Book A”, Georgia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 27 No. 2 (Summer 1991)
Barnette, Mic, “Pilgrimage for the Mothers and Widows of Georgia Soldiers, Sailors and Marines” Georgia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 27 No. 4 (Winter 1991)
Barnette, Mic, “Walton County, Georgia, Recapitulation (1840 Census)” Georgia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 26 No. 3 (Fall 1990)
Barnette, Mic “Burial Register of Oakland Cemetery, Fulton County, Georgia” Vol. 24 No 4 (Winter 1988)
Barnette, Mic, “ Some Louisiana Students in Virginia, 1850” Louisiana Genealogical Register, Vol. —– No. —- (March 1984)
Barnette, Mic, “Some “Statements of Death” As Gleaned from the Notarial Acts of John Lynd”, New Orleans Genesis, Vol. XXIV. No. 93 (January 1985)
Barnette, Mic, “Acknowledgement by Nicholas Sinnot, August 15, 1818” New Orleans Genesis, Vol. XXIV No. 94 (April 1985)
Barnette, Mic, “Census of the United States Cutter Duane of New Orleans” New Orleans Genesis Vol. XXIV No. 95 (July 1985)
Barnette, Mic, “A Day in New Orleans with the Vicar General”, New Orleans Genesis, Vol. XXIV No. 102 (April 1987)